Monday, February 11, 2013

Initial Design

Had a hard time beginning the design process, I looked at some of the technical regulations in regards to egress and structure and used that as a jump off point. Using the Corner at Yonge and Gould for my "Discovery Zone" a place where students and member of the public come to beta test and interact with the new things the dmz is coming out with. Second floor is more for members of the DMZ to use as a complimentary facility to their main operational headquarters at AMC.

1 comment:

  1. A few things as your proceed with your technical issues:
    -it is good that you have started to think about the structure in your building but you could definitely lighten it up with steel and it is odd that you have your column conditions impeding the fire stair and not aligning with your partition walls (it makes for terribly awkward spaces
    -it is unclear whether or not you are putting the building with a setback from the east side but if not, remember that you cannot exit out on to another property; if there is a setback from the adjacent building then be mindful of the width and length of the corridor
    -you seem to suffer from the same problem as other members of Section ONE in putting quite a brutal facade on Yonge with the fire stairs
    -the transition zone between the residential and DMZ areas on the ground floor is not clearly defined or at the very least articulated; there are security and flow issues
    -once again, there is not a Third Space proposed on the ground floor which is extremely distressing; ask yourself if you would go there to just meet up with your friends or hang out between classes; if you cannot answer yes to that, then your design is flawed
    -mail room location is odd especially off the entry but could work if you defined your transitional area between DMZ/res
    -escalator could be good showcase piece for entry but misalignment/flow issues bog it down
    -orientation of conference room could be better handled so that reception is first thing you see upon getting atop the escalator
    -need for terrace on Yonge St is questionable
    -an open collaborative area right beside a conference room is likely not the best
    -who is the workspace on second floor for?
